Malaysia is the host of the International Crashworthiness Conference 2014 (ICRASH 2014) which is a first. Previous hosts were Melbourne, London and Kyoto. The conference tackled road accident and road safety in the region. The conference commenced on August 25 and culminated on 28 August 28 2014. The venue is in Riverside Majestic Hotel.
The conference started by highlighting number of road deaths in Southeast Asia. According to the World Health Organization, Thailand has the highest number of road deaths gathering 38.1 deaths out of 100,000. Thailand is followed by Malaysia with 25 deaths out of 100,000. In the region, Singapore is the safest road use nation.
Singapore only recorded 5.1 deaths out of 100,000 people. The efforts of the government to keep road users safe paid off. Going back to the ICRASH 2014, the regional average of road deaths is 17.91 out of 100,000. The figures were alarming so the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) gave a statement saying that road accidents are more of attitude than infrastructure.
The director general of MIROS Professor Wong Shaw Voon said that many road victims were men than women. Road users would break the law and if accidents happen, they blame it on the environment or the infrastructure. There are even others who think that road accidents or deaths are destined. This kind of thinking or attitude is wrong.
The point here is safety. Road users should practice and observe preventive measures to be safe. If you are on the road, it pays to be vigilant and slow down. Remember that the faster you travel, the higher the risk of accident.