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Everything You Need to Know about the Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease

AD (Alzheimer’s disease) is also called SDAT (Senile Dementia-Alzheimer’s Type). The battle with AD is global. That means all countries deal with this. You should know that there are two types of AD to include early onset and late onset. The former appears before you turn 60. The latter is the common type and it usually appears after you turn 60. Scientists still study its causes but it seems that the environment and your genes play a part in AD’s development.


If in this case you have an elder in your household, you should learn everything you can about AD so you will know what to do. The first thing that you should do is identify the symptoms. Symptoms include personality changes, language problems, misplacing things, difficulty in performing day-to-day tasks and getting lost. As AD progresses, the patient will suffer agitation, delusions, depression, forgetting, changing of sleep patterns, hallucinations, violent behaviour, poor judgment and many more.

If you noticed that your elder has symptoms mentioned above, you should bring him/her to your doctor to be diagnosed immediately. The bad news here is that there is no cure for AD but there are certain treatments that should be undertaken to slow its progression. There are drugs that are developed to help slow the progression of AD.


Have you heard about the Bapineuzumab (by Johnson and Johnson) and Solanezumab (by Eli Lilly)? For years, the drugs were developed to fight the accumulation of the plaques in the brain for AD patients. But on January 22, 2014, scientists yielded and said that they were unsuccessful. Scientists failed but they gained lessons from it. You should not lose hope. Meanwhile, you can consider main drugs used for AD patients to include:

Donepezil, Rivastigmine & Galantamine

Scientists discovered that the brains of AD patients demonstrates nerve cells loss. The nerve cells use a chemical (called acetycholine) that serves as a chemical messenger. The loss of these nerve cells are linked with the seriousness of symptoms of patients. The good news is that donepezil, rivastigmine & galantamine can prevent acetycholine which can lead to the escalation of communication amongst nerve cells.


Memantine is different from the drugs mentioned above for it is more complex. In the case of memantine, it effectively impedes a chemical messenger called glutamate. When the brain cells are destroyed by AD, glutamate is discharged which can cause further damage in the brain cells. Memantine will impede or block the extra glutamate present in the brain.

It is better if you ask your doctors about drugs and other treatments.


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Common Misconceptions About Colds & Flus

You should know that in the past 7 days, Singapore experienced the lowest temperature. Temperatures here have dropped to 2 degrees. For January 2014 alone, the daily minimum temperature ranges from 23.5-21.1 degrees Celsius. According to MSS (Meteorological Service Singapore), this is lower than the long-term average which is 22.3 degrees Celsius.


Indeed it is quite chilly here. In fact, MSS noted stronger winds. Wind gusts now reach up to 27 km/hour. This number is twice the usual speed. Despite its chill, some areas here in Singapore has been dry. Reports stated that some areas experienced less rain. The changing and the unsure condition will not do your body good. You should take care of your body because that is your greatest investment.

When it is cold, you tend to have colds and flus. It is important that you know what to do so you can prevent the spreading and the worsening of your colds and flu. You also need to be guided with the common misconceptions about the causes of colds & flus. Here are some common misconceptions about colds and flus:


1. Low immunity is the cause of colds. Many of us believe that cold only affects people with low immunity. That is not completely true. Colds can affect even the strongest people. Cold viruses affect people whether they are strong or not. We should keep that in mind.

2. Vitamin C & Zinc help prevent colds. You should know that Vitamin C & Zinc does not help prevent colds and flu. They do not even keep the colds at bay. There are studies that stresses the importance of Vitamin C and Zinc as it can shorten the cold symptoms but that is just not right.

3. Antibiotics treats colds. When people get colds, they tend to take antibiotics. That is not the solution for common colds. Remember that antibiotics only target bacteria. Colds are viruses not bacteria. No matter how many drugs you take, it will not make a difference. In fact, it will only worsen the situation. If you constantly take antibiotics, the body will develop resistance and when you need it most, it will be less effective.

It was Thomas Tallman, DO, who gave clarifications and busted the misconceptions about colds. It is important that you do not spread the virus when you are suffering from one. When you are well, that is the time that you can go back to your usual routine. As much as possible you should isolate yourself until you are recovered.

Woman Holding a Mug with a Handkerchief to Her Nose


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International Migrants Day

The Migrant Worker’s Centre (MWC) organized activities to celebrate the International Migrants Day. There were about 50,000 migrant workers who joined the launching of the event on Sunday, December 15, 2013. The events were simultaneously held at 3 dorms and 2 recreation centres where some migrant workers won prizes and goodie bags. Apart from that, MWC also gave brochures containing employment laws, rights and customs to the workers who attended the celebrations.


The International Migrants Day is celebrated every December 18. The UN (United Nations) General Assembly pushed this bearing in mind the increasing number of migrants around the world. Member States and NGOs (Non-government Organizations) are advised to recognized the International Migrants Day every year. The Member States and NGOs should disseminate information about the migrant’s human rights and freedoms wherever they are. Here are some things that you need to know about the UN Convention on Human Rights of all Migrant Workers and Member of their Families:

  • Article 8: The workers and their families are free to leave any country (including their own). The workers and their families are free to re-enter and stay in their country of origin anytime.
  • Article 9: The workers and their families have the right to life and it is protected by the law wherever they are in the world.
  • Article 10: The workers and their families have the right to be free from torture, inhuman and demeaning treatments whatever the case.
  • Article 11: In general, Article 11 clearly states that workers and their families should not be subjected to servitude or slavery. They should not be forced to perform anything beyond their will.
  • Article 12: The workers and their families are free to think and practice religion wherever they are. The workers and their family should never be coerced into something that would harm their freedom.
  • Article 13: The workers and their families are free to express their expression. No one should curb or interfere  the opinions of these people.
  • Article 14: The workers and their families have the right to privacy and correspondence. No one should impede or interfere with this right.
  • Article 15: The workers and their families have the right to own a property. They have the right to be compensated adequately and fairly.
  • Article 16: In general, Article 15 clearly states that workers and their families have the right to security and liberty. They are entitled to the protection of the state from threats, violence and other injuries.
  • Article 17: In general, Article 16 states that workers and their families who are denied of their independence should be treated humanely. The respect should still be there because it is inherent in the human person.

Actually, the list goes on. If you want to know more, you can refer to the complete document.


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What to Expect From House Painting Service

If you own a house or a flat, then you probably know how important it is to keep it looking polished and well-maintained. Among the best beautifying techniques that many Singapore homeowners use on their homes is regular repainting. You don’t want to see faded or chipped off paints on the wall, so it’s very important to devote yourself to do a home painting project every few years. The frequency of having your property repainted depends on the size of your home and the type of surface to repaint. Some wood types need to be recoated every four or five years, while some won’t need a new coat until after 10 years or more.


However, house painting project is not just about painting alone; it also requires certain preparations in order to bring out long-lasting effect. Here are the tasks that most Singapore painting services usually do in their home painting projects.

Preparing the Area

The most important preparation step that all Singapore painting companies do is the preparation of the area. Your painting professionals will make sure that furniture is covered and protected to avoid permanent paint stains while they are repainting your walls. Even the floors are covered, so paints won’t stain them.

Peeling-Off Existing Paint

After everything is kept and covered securely, the next step is the peeling off of the existing wall paint. Some old homes may be using dangerous lead paint, so the crew will need to cover their body to avoid skin problems. Before applying the paint colour creative painting services from Singapore will make sure that dust, debris, and other foreign materials are completely removed from the wall. Paint scrapers are used to remove cracked or flaking color and sand paper to remove small bumps on the wall. The crew may also use electric sander to make completion of task much easier.

For removing loose materials, high-power water sprayer from colour creative is utilized to smoothly wash exterior wall surfaces. The crew also uses bleach solution and cleaning detergent to scrub off exterior wall imperfections.


Fixing-Up Wall Problems

Before coating the walls, it is important to fix any crack or chip found on the wall’s surface. The paint can’t stay longer if applied over a crack or chip. It should be filled first before coating it with color. In short, you may need to employ drywall services before proceeding with the paint application.

Selection of Colors

The last step that your colour creative painting services provider will do before finally applying the wall paint is the selection of colors. Your painting services contractor will help you decide on the right exterior and interior color combinations. Take note that reputable contractors only offer high-quality finishes that can stay longer and provide protection on surfaces against extreme hot and cold weather, humidity and heavy rains. Roller covers, primer, paint-can opener, brushes, drop cloth, gloves, roller extension pole, etc. are materials that painting services staff have on hand.

To ensure you give your home a classic look, it is important to hire a professional painting services company that can effectively offer a wide range of home painting needs that includes those aforementioned essential tasks.

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Safe Cycling

The government is encouraging Singaporeans and other residents to live a healthier and sustainable life by cycling. But how can people cycle when they are worried about their safety and security along the road?  Thankfully the government is thinking of expanding cycling paths and connectivity throughout the country.


To promote safe cycling, cyclists gathered together on December 1, 2013. There were about three hundred cyclists who joined the event who pedalled from Jurong East towards Labrador Park and vice versa. The event reminds the cyclists of the following things:

Cycling Equipment

The first thing that you need to put in mind is riding a bicycle that perfectly suits you. After that, you should be certain that your bicycle is in good condition. When riding it at night, you should make sure that you have a front light (white) and rear light (red).


Cycling Attire

You have to wear the right cycling attire to avoid or prevent serious injuries when you encounter accidents. Helmet is very important because it can protect your head if you fall. You also need appropriate shoes. More importantly, you need to wear a coloured clothing to improve your visibility.


Cycling Behaviour

If you practice right cycling behaviours, you have greater chances of coming home unscratched. You should always remember to obey traffic rules. If you want to turn left/right or stop, make sure that you give enough hand signals. Do not forget about your bells when you approach the pedestrian.

The cyclist should always be aware of his/her environment. When you are cycling, always remember that you are susceptible to accidents and the best way to avoid it is to espouse safe cycling.

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How to Spot Drug Addicts

The Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) is doing its best to keep drug addicts and traffickers away from the streets of Singapore. The problem of drugs is very serious. It should be curbed if not eliminated. All people know the punishment for committing drug-related offences but still there are others who deliberately ignore it. It is their loss.


It is important that you know how to spot addicts (and possibly traffickers) so you can help the enforcers. If you do not want drugs to reach your children and the people you know, you should help the enforcers apprehend addicts and traffickers. Here are signs and symptoms of drug addicts:


Physical Signs

The first sign is changes in physical appearance. You should look out if the person is not able to sleep, lazy and is awake at odd hours. Apart from that, the person may experience loss (or increase) of appetite. Look out for shaky, cold and sweaty palms. When you notice a deterioration of physical health or personal hygiene, he/she may be an addict. The classic physical sign is red and watery eyes.


Behavioural Signs

The next thing that you should consider is behaviour changes. If you notice that he/she has temper tantrums, forgetfulness, paranoia, suspicious and moodiness, he/she may be using. You might also notice unceasing dishonesty or lying. He/she may steal money to finance the drug. More importantly, if you caught drug paraphernalia in his/her belongings, it is time that you talk to him/her.

But you should keep in mind that the signs and symptoms mentioned above are not guarantee because it may be due to other health problem. If you know someone who is using or trafficking, you should advise them to stop before everything gets worse. Stopping and surrendering are not easy but if you take the first step, they will surely follow.

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Bringing an End to Your Drug Addiction

Taking illegal drugs is prevalent around the world. Teens and adults are finding their way to possess drugs despite of it being unlawful. Many people are arrested, many are not. If you know someone who is an addict, it is important that you encourage him/her to stop but it is not the same if you are the addict. Putting a stop to your addiction seems hard, right?


The best way to prevent drug addiction is not to take the drugs at all. But if you are too deep, you need to get out of that hellhole as soon as you can before it takes a toll on you. There are many people who died because of overdose. If you do not want that to happen, you should consider treatment. Granting that you undertake treatments, you should know that there’s still a high risk getting back to your addiction pattern. It is possible that you will lose control again. Here are some tips that you can do to prevent taking drugs again:

1. Avoid any situation

It would be best to stay away from places that remind you of drugs. Do not go near the crowd or the neighbourhood where drug is rampant.

2. Seek help immediately

If you are using again, it is time to ask for help again. You have to talk to your doctors right away and discuss treatments again.



3. Stick to your treatment

You may think that you recovered but that is not quite true. It is advisable that you stick to your treatment even if you feel better. Do not stop seeing your psychotherapists and your support group because they can help you.

It is important that you practice positive thinking and patience apart from your treatments so you can endure and survive.

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The Benefits of Swimming

Katinka Hosszu is in Singapore for the short course of the 2013 Fina Swimming World Cup. Her reputation started way back in 2009 when she won the World Championship held in Rome. To date, she has 39 gold medals, eight silver medals and six bronze medals. She is an epitome of the good benefits of swimming. Many people should consider swimming as an exercise.

We are encouraged to perform at least 150 to 200 minutes of exercise per week. You can go to fitness centres or you can simply exercise in your immediate vicinity. Many people prefer jogging or biking, but if you want something different and fun, you should consider swimming. There are many reasons to swim. Here’s a list of its benefits:


Low Impact

When you hear low impact, it means that there are less or no ground impact. This is best for people who are thinking about protecting their joints from strains and stress. Since it is low impact, many people are considering this. If you jump, you will not be injured or hurt because you are buoyant. If you put on a floatation device, the impact will be even lesser.

Cardio Respiratory Fitness

Like any exercise, swimming can enhance stamina. If you swim, your oxygen consumption as well as your stroke volume (quantity of blood pumped with every beat which signifies the strength of the heart) will improve.

Burn Calories

You should know that swimming burns calories. Regardless of the stroke you use, swimming can efficiently burn calories. This is the best way to maintain your weight. Based on duration alone, swimming burns more calories than jogging or biking.


If you want to continue swimming, you can do so. Even if you are old, you can still swim. Swimming as a hobby will be good for the body.

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